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2022 Disability Benefits Liability (DBL) Insurance and Paid Family Leave(PFL) and

公告類別 公開取得報價單或企劃書公告
標案編號 (加值會員專用)
標案名稱 2022 Disability Benefits Liability (DBL) Insurance and Paid Family Leave(PFL) and
標的分類 勞務類 812 - 保險(包括再保險)及退休基金服務,不包括強制性社會安全服務
機關代碼 A.7.31.1
機關名稱 臺灣銀行股份有限公司
單位名稱 紐約分行
機關地址 (加值會員專用)
聯絡人 (加值會員專用)
聯絡電話 (加值會員專用)
傳真號碼 (加值會員專用)
電子郵件信箱 (加值會員專用)
本網站公告日期 111/02/07
截止收件日期 111/02/14 17:00
新增公告傳輸次數 01

原因	駐外單位
招標文件領取地點	100 Wall Street, 11F, New York
招標文件售價及付款方式	0
履約地點 (加值會員專用)
1. Participation is open to certified insurance companies and brokers which are qualified under New York State and Federal Laws to provide the subject insurance in the State of New York. Qualification documents should be presented when submitting the tender.
2. The procuring entity may instruct the tenderer to provide the original copy of qualification documents within a specified time period for verification, if necessary. If the tenderer fails to comply with the instruction, the verification shows that the photocopy does not match the original, or there is other evidence showing that the qualification document provided by the tenderer is false or untrue, the tenderer’s qualification shall then be invalidated in accordance with Article 50 of the GPA.
附加說明 (加值會員專用)
決標公告 (加值會員專用)
完整公告內容 (加值會員專用)